The Prioritisation Game..
Staying Focussed….
Recently many of our clients are saying that there is SO much to do and SO many distractions so I have put together an article to help those focussed challenged busy people! Have a groovy week people!
Amanda x
The Prioritisation Game
Staying on Target
When Prioritising you may want to ask yourself specific questions to make sure you are using your precious time for the highest pay off items on your agenda.
Whether you are self employed or employed, TIME is your rarest resource so use it well and the rewards are endless!
In today’s work and play place – the biggest distractions, namely the internet and mobile phone will tempt you away from the tougher, higher pay off tasks that you know will make the most amount of difference to your day and objectives. So, what are you going to do about it!
Once you get clear about your longer term, higher objective or goal this seriously helps you figure out WHAT is MOST IMPORTANT and not necessarily the most urgent. So take a look at the questions below and go on a Focussed Self Discovery Session to make sure you stay with your actions that take you closer to those all important goals that lead to ….more money, more time, more fulfilment and more happiness rather than busy-ness!
- What do you stand for? What do you want out of life? How important are your ‘goals to you?
- Prioritise these goals in order of importance and make your decisions based on ‘ is it taking me further or closer to my goals?’ If further away – don’t do it!
- How are you spending your time? Is it in the areas you want to and with the people you want to be with? Make tough choices on your time spending!
- What is your purpose? Heavy questions I know but CRITICAL so you don’t spend all your life doing something you don’t like! What would you do for free because you love it so much? If we handed you $10 million – after you’d spent some of it on THINGS then what would you DO with the rest of your time?
- What are your values – you will spend all your time and money on your values. If you love sport..most of your time and money is going to g there. If you love learning – it will go on courses, books and DVD’s. What you spend the majority of your money on (excl expenses of course) and what books you have on your shelves will give you a good idea of what your values have! Once you are clearer on this – its even easier to make decisions, then prioritise and focus on what you need to.
- Once you have got a list of your key goals, values and what you need to do. Pick the 3 most important things that HAVE to be done the night before and have it written down on a piece of paper – out of your mind! Download it. Use a weekly/monthly planner either on paper or PC/Mac
- Get the highest pay off tasks done before 12 noon! Do NOT do anything else until those 3 things are done (if it’s a big project at least 3 key parts/pieces of that project that are the most important!)
- Keep your work area as clear as possible – get rid of all loose bits of paper, booklets stuff that you know you will always be able to find on the internet anyway! Do not be distracted by shuffling papers, rearranging your pencils and leave your mobile/blackberry facing downwards or even off for two hours in the morning if you can!! (It’s a challenge I know but form a new habit, I promise it will pay off!)
- Scan your email for any urgent ones for 5 minutes MAX in the morning then do not look at them again until 12 noon. Do not be tempted to keep replying to all your friends of check Facebook at know what will happen. It will be noon and your 3 highest pay off tasks have not been done!!
- Reward yourself every time you complete any of those 3 key tasks! Have fun working on what you know is going to bring you the greatest results. Good luck in reaching all those wonderful goals you’ve set and to taking more control of your time and destiny!
Amanda Steadman
Wealth and Success Coach, UK
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