The Power of Focus – An Olympic Style 5 Day Challenge for YOU..
As it is the beginning of the 2012 Olympics, I decided to create a challenge for you all this week. Whoever I think has made the most progress will get a copy of my book when its released later this year plus another prize! When mentoring clients, one particular issue tends to come up again and again…FOCUS. “I just couldn’t get focussed”, “My inbox was inundated”, “My Blackberry wouldn’t leave me alone”, “I had urgent emails I needed to respond to”, “my phone kept ringing’ “my friends kept poking me on Facebook”. You may be saying, yep that’s me!
If not I am sure there are some other things that may be distracting you.
As an avid ‘online’ person, inspirational author and success mentor I am usually dabbling with social media, emails, webinars and numerous forms of communication. At the moment I have a few deadlines regarding books and projects that I am working on and alongside my 5 month old and 2 year old daughters. My ‘work’ time is precious.
So I decided to revisit some information I trained on a while back and put it into practice in ‘strict form’. I am a little addicted to email in particular. When I get up in the morning, after meditating, feeding the babies, showering, eating – the next first thing I want to do is log into the internet. It is almost my third child, it may be sad to say that, but everything I do and most of my communication with family and friends is now via Skype! I can’t wait to see who’s checked in…now don’t tell me if you are a Facebook sign up that you don’t wonder what everyone is up to and want to take a sneak peak?
With the arrival of Facebook, Linked in, Skype ( I LOVE SKYPE), Pinterest, Yahoo and MSN Chat – its even EASIER to be distracted.
As my deadlines grow closer I feel a stronger temptation to procrastinate – despite loving all my projects! Crazy is it not? So I re-visted Connect to Success trainings on time management and the power of focus and did a couple of simple things as a refresher to myself!
What did I do? – 5 SIMPLE STEPS
1. I wrote the 3 most important tasks I had to complete before 12 noon on a piece of paper/diary
2. I turned my mobile off
3. I turned Skype Off
4. I did not log into any social media
5. I left my internet OFF UNTIL 12 NOON
(6.Bonus Tip Option: Put on your email auto-responder that you are not online until after 12 noon, phone for emergencies!)
I’ve been super duper strict on this one and I’ve even surprised myself. I did almost double what I do in that time and most importantly I got the momentum I required to get much of the writing done that I needed to. I would LOVE to hear how you get on and I would like you to share any commitments you want to make regarding the 5 day challenge to start next Monday 30th July (OR SOONER if you’re working every day already!). Get on the group by clicking here and join in by posting how you are getting on and that you commit to the Connect to Success Olympic Style 2012 Challenge! There will be a prize for the person who we think contributes or inspires the most, your gold medal as it were, so GOOD LUCK – Go for GOLD!
JOIN THE 5 Day Focus Challenge HERE!
The winner will be announced week beginning 6th August : )
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