Social Media and Networking Top Tips
We were kindly invited to exhibit at the Business Link London – Work/Life Balance Workshop Last week and met some lovely entrepreneurs. There were 2 excellent speakers and if you missed it. We thought you may want some of our NOTES to stand you in good stead!
The 2 Speakers were Penny Power and Hannah MacNamara.
Here are the notes from the second Spearker was Penny Power founder of Notes from Hannah’s session will follow shortly!
Penny Power is the founder of Ecademy, website for Business networking and social networking. She left the corporate world in 1993, then she stared training and recruitment within Schools from 1993 to 1998 and she had two children. In 1998, she started a new venture; Ecademy website. Penny Power and her family lived through very difficult moments because she took risks and doing that has consequences, they lost all their money and they had to live in a caravan for a while. But now, Ecademy has become an international successful website through which they earn money; thanks to connecting people globally, advertising and selling information. They enjoy life by travelling with their children all around the world, according to Penny you shouldn’t separate family from work.
To create Ecademy, Penny Power needed 5 years to develop her website whilst working freelance, teaching and having children. It was difficult to have children and to maintain her previous lifestyle. Financially it was a hard choice – but worth it.
She explains that it’s not easy to make her family understand about running her business and to take risks. Also it takes lot of time at the beginning and we can’t take care and spend as much time with their family as you would like.
The World has changed, The Old World was closed, selective and targeted instead of the New World is opened us. One of the changes is thanks to Barack Obama’a election. There is an openess and transparency that did not exist before. Even if lots of things change, including technology, our needs are the same. At this point, we have to refer to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
– Physiological needs
– need of security
– need of belonging
– need of respect for yourself
– need of accomplishement of yourself
Starting a business is really difficult but you can be successful. There are two different ways to be a new entrepreneur, you can work at home or at the office. The home-worker should be adaptable for their clients, own values and contribution to success and he has to create a personal branding. Whereas a new entrepreneur should understand the world and its generations, so it’s better for him to collaborate on some projects with competitors instead of making ennemies.
For every entrepreneur, you’ll create an online brand in three steps:
– sharing knowledge with strangers and bringing it into the open
– sharing specific knowledge and making new friends
– creating opportunities with advocates
To conclude, I think the most important thing I learnt during this seminar is that you can be successful even if it’s difficult. It’s necessary to live through hard moments, be aware of the pitfalls and you should take risks, because it could be a real chance for your business to succeed. Penny Power, went from living in a caravan to living the millionaire lifestyle through all those good and bad choices as well as the risks: so go for it!
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