Social Media and Internet Wealth

Internet Wealth

This is a subject I get asked about a tremendous amount, especially
social media.

For those of you running your own company these areas
are of no doubt great interest! It may be a similar case for stay-at-
home mums and employees who wish to develop a ‘business on the side’.
I’ve looked at many schemes and techniques over the last couple of
years and I’ve attended a huge amount of seminars! Some are easier to do than others, many need you to pick ONE area or technique and master it BEFORE you attempt others. Even I have been swept away by offers of making huge amounts online to find out it’s not as straightforward as it looks! So make sure you do your due diligence before parting with cash for seminars and online products – get recommendations first if possible as there is a plethora of information out there. It can overwhelm you if you let it!

I’ve met a couple recently with a 1 year old daughter who do Internet marketing successfully plus other freelance projects.

This way they share their daughter’s childcare without having to leave home! Great news for parents and those of you who detest commuting!

They live in the Caribbean some of the year and in London the rest of the time.

They can do this due to the flexibility that the Internet gives them.
It gives you choice. Even for me – as long as I’ve got my IPod ( my
Mac is overheating and in for repair this week …)

When I was totally internetless I popped into the Radisson to ensure my article made the month end deadline! So anything is possible – it depends on how you want to structure it and make it work for you.

One of the main reasons people chose Internet marketing is because of this freedom and also the repetitive or passive income it can provide.
On that note a question I get asked regularly is;
‘how can I make money online?’.

The very simple answer is SELL something!

So what do you want to sell? Or more importantly WHO do you want to
sell to? I’m working on a Caribbean Property website at the moment –
so my WHO will be any landlords or vendors in the English Caribbean
islands. So whatever I do online MUST be targeted to them and we tend
to create a PERSONA for each of your target customers. This persona
represents the ideal customer, how they think and how they live their
lives. From there you establish what is most important to them? What
makes them buy? What problems do they have that you can solve?
(better, faster, more value?) Are you facing any problems that you
think others may also need help with?
In Internet marketing it essentially uses all the principles of
offline marketing to sell products and solutions including this
‘persona’ approach.
I’ve interviewed many online success stories and here are some of the
ideas that made them money online to get you thinking. Many of these
businesses focussed on very specific niches and their personas. They
became EXPERTS in their fields. Others researched very specific
subjects then got others to create products or sold the knowledge for

  • Build a membership site
  • Build a newsletter – trading, hobbies, pregnancy etc
  • Selling ebooks
  • Selling on Ebay
  • Selling on amazon
  • Affiliate marketing – marketing other people’s products, events or
    services and taking a percentage.
  • Selling your own book
  • Selling your own information products
  • Selling online video courses
  • Webinars
  • Selling products period – houses, cars, jewellery, etc.

Essentially you find a niche, Build a relationship with it through
consistent communication ( social media excellent at this) solve it’s
problems whilst becoming an expert or trusted provider, then sell the
solution online.
If you can make $1 online you can replicate it to make more!
It’s not as easy to make money online ad it was five years ago but
there are still an abundance of opportunity to grab. It’s not all
overnight success as many of my online gurus took months if not a few
years to reach the million marks but now is still a very good time to

To your Heath, wealth and success.

Amanda Steadman

Twitter: @AmandaSteadman


  • Thankyou for a great post Amanda, there are some handy tips in here.

    Zoe cairns
    • You are very welcome Zoé, if you have questions don’ hesitated…have a great week end. Amanda

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