Iceland Volcano – Time for plan B, C, D …..

How did the Volcano eruption in Iceland affect you? I had my flight canceled and spent a fortune calling Air France to find out what was going on! How many other people did you know who got stuck somewhere? Others nicer places to get stuck  New York, Eygpt, Buenos Aries!

Luckily for me most of our business in done on line so it wasn’t so necessary to BE anywhere in particular. The internet is helping us overcome numerous logistical as well as operational hurdles. It made me think – if our business DID rely on air travel what would your PLAN B have been?You could also apply this to if your INTERNET went down. What would your plan B be then? Wherever there is a ‘disaster’ there is always opportunity too – so what have you learned from this phenomenon? What could you apply to your life and business as a result?

As you could see from the news – even the Royal Navy were called in! This has been the governments Plan B, for Thomson its been a trail of buses to get stranded holiday makers back to the UK. My poor Aunt has had her bum firmly planted on one of them since Tuesday and isn’t due back until Thursday! I had a text stating she couldn’t actually feel her behind anymore – but she was still happy to be going home.

There have also been upsides from the volcano for certain sectors of our economy- rail, bus and boat! You can’t get from Bilbao in Spain until 2nd week of May on the boats! Eurostar is also doing very well! Where in your business are there opportunities you are missing or could use to your advantage?

One thing is certain – it clearly shows how our world is so dependent on air travel and how it could have easily brought certain companies to a standstill. It also shows once again the power of Mother Nature – who is probably not too happy at the increase in air travel and was showing us how she felt about it!

From a selfish point of view – I am very happy the skies are open again and I can see the plane trails through our air space today. Keep on thinking ‘Blue Sky’ from here on in….but with Plan B, C and D firmly squared in my mind.

To your health, wealth and safe travels


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