How to Launch a Book on Amazon’s Kindle

How do you get a Kindle book to No1 on Amazon within a book launch? Here is part of the equation and I go through the process myself with the book ‘Connect to Authentic Success – 7 Steps to the Destiny You Deserve’

So now the book is uploaded and its LIVE on Amazon. The sales started to come in quite well but the real push came when we did a promotion through Kindle and then included many joint venture partners who kindly posted on Social Media and emailed their lists for me! Just being ON Amazon is NOT ENOUGH. I had to put some ground work in with the Virtual Book Tour which started 3.5 weeks before launch (its better to start 8 -10 weeks in advance I think!) It was all new to me so I just took the info I’d had from people who had already done it ( see Modelling in my book!) and then took the action, step-by-step to make it to #2 and #4 on day 1 and then #1 on day 2! So I am officially an Amazon Best Seller which feels good.

How to Launch a Book to No1 on Amazon! Get a huge amount of good will!

Oh so thats it then you I have to ensure all the bonuses have gone out, I have to do the LIVE Teleseminar and keep the interest in the book and its solutions going!

Amazon No1 Picture Shot of Connect to Authentic Succes




I would like to point out I would NOT have been able to do this without my Power Team, Franck, Bobby, Debbie, Janine, Jane, Mireil, Maylis, Tom, Jim, Layla,Dasha, Dee, Angie, Natalia, Think Visual, Denise, Drew, Adam, Andy, Claudette, Daniel, Denise, Gordon, Dvorah, Christine, Brian Tracy, Kathleen – all my clients, Facebook friends, Linked in associates and everyone else who downloaded the book and reviewed it! Luckily all my good deeds over the years have build up some goodwill (that I’m usually reluctant to ask for!) But on this occasion as the message is far more important than me – I pushed on and out!

Unless you are going to outsource your launch do be prepared for quite some work to get the results you want. I’ve noticed that Amazon is getting busier and busier so your book and MESSAGE need to be clear and stand out above the crowd. Now the REAL WORK starts…marketing the book for life!!! : )

PS: Plus the beginning of producing the Paperback version….

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