How to get through those ‘When s**t happens moments!’

overcoming obstacles


As a mentor and write of ‘positive’ material, I always find it interesting how I react when the proverbial poo hits the fan. 4 years ago when we lost it big, I wrote the outline of a book that was finally published last year. This week all sorts of ‘negative’ (depending on your perception of things) events appear to have taken place. The one that hit me the most, was the fact that my husband was attacked, beaten and robbed a couple of days ago by seven youths.

Luckily he got away with his life, thank God, and some scratches and bruises, but without any of his other belongings (including my external hard drive with 2 years worth of work, family pics etc that I was in the process of backing up!) It was yet another wake up call to re-assess, what is most important to me, us, our family. Are we truly happy doing what we are doing and where we are? Have I shown my husband just how much he means to me, did he feel loved, is there anything that has changed for him now – after facing unforseeable consequences? As you do, if you’re on social media, I posted about the events and got a tremendous amount of support, hugs and love sent digitally! You soon see how much people actually do care and we received phone calls, text and messages to ensure a swift recovery for hubby! All very much appreciated and warmed all our hearts.

Some of my clients and friends, like you too perhaps all have our share of things not going right and we have to deal with it. It’s how we deal with it that is the other key to success and controlling those emotions. I have to say I was pretty angry and scared when my husband arrived home with his injuries, which passed into relief and gratitude that he was alive then sadness and forgiving of the attackers as they don’t seem to think there is another way to live. Luckily my husband is being quite philosophical about it and is also counting his blessings. He realises now, especially after pushing the gun away that he was very lucky to get away and that his legs could go faster than his attackers! So whatever you’re facing, re-frame it and see it in a different way, what could you be grateful for? Is there an important lesson in there somewhere that you’re supposed to learn

For me, it’s reinforced what I know I have, lots of love in my life and that perhaps all the gadgets he lost and all the data (mostly mine) isn’t needed, to start afresh, to take a new direction perhaps…hmm something to meditate on!

My mind has been racing and my heart emotional for last couple of days, which always usually makes for good writing. So this whole saga has spurred me on to crack on with my endeavours whilst holding all my family and friends close and appreciating every moment (as I always have been, even more so now) As my book is called ‘Connect to Authentic Success’, everyone always wants to know what my definition of that is, and to simplify it even further, when the chips are truly down – it comes down to those YOU LOVE and WHO LOVES YOU..LOVE JUST IS and it FEELS GOOD! Make today count! 


Love is plant


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