How to Create your Own QR Codes for Free!
This is going to be a super short post! I put QR codes onto my book “Connect to Authentic Success” when the paperback went live recently on Amazon. Everyone keeps asking me how to generate them so here is the link! Yes its FREE!!
After talking to authors and entrepreneurs recently they wanted to know how I generated a QR code for my book. I got someone to make one for me but I have friends that are using this. A QR code is like a bar code that can direct people to info online – a URL link is ideal! Most smart phones have a button/function that SCANS the code and immediately takes you to the info you want!
Want your OWN QR CODE (like your own personal bar code for contacts, website etc??! Scan this code with your phone to get to my site!
Go to to get the free QR CODE for yourself!
Happy creating!
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