Have you celebrated your own Gold Medal Yet?

Congratulations to all the athletes of the 2012 Games. I was lucky to watch a great deal of it and the emotions, dreams and talents

2 Miracles, Wimbledon and An Earthquake

How are you getting on out there? Time is fleeting as I work through the re-writes for the book. It’s always makes fascinating reading when

Wufoo – How to create an online booking form – Another Automated Friend!

I am looking at attending the Anguilla Literary Fest happening at the end of this month. http://ivisitanguilla.com/news/anguilla-lit-fest/ The writer of Waiting to Exhale, Terry McMillan is

The Kings Speech –  The quality of your communication will determine the quantity of your Success.

The Kings Speech –  The quality of your communication will determine the quantity of your Success. I finally got around to watching the amazing film ‘The

Businesses Focus in on the “Big 5 or 6″

Businesses Focus in on the “Big 5 or 6″ Companies are focusing their energies on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs. Data suggests that companies focus

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