Are you looking after YOU?
Recently my little 17 months old daughter managed to get staphylococcus, a nasty flesh-eating virus that managed to create quite some damage on her left foot. We were forced to use anti-biotics as the homeopathic route was not working. It was quite scary as we didn’t know how far the bacteria would spread and I did hours of research as the doctors didn’t really know much about it! Again a little worrying and unfortunately she had an allergic reaction to the anti-biotics and came out in a nasty red rash from head to foot.
Bless! My sister is a nurse so Im sure she wouldn’t panic like I do. Im normally calm in most situations but with my own children, my emotions are not always in check!
Luckily the anti-histamine reduced the reaction very quickly and she was soon looking her normal self again. However we are much more cautious in terms of keeping the feet clean, anti-septic, tea-tree oil in the bath and so forth.
It reminded me how lucky we are to have the two healthy girls that we do. I have to admit, I do have a little moan as the baby girl still keeps me up at night and daughter of 3 years is a bossy little madam who tried to bossy mummy and daddy around (apparently I was the same according to my father, but I am not convinced!) It also made it clear to me that I need to ensure we’re all eating healthily and that mummy is also looking after herself so she can keep the family unit on course! I’ve been so busy with the children that I actually forget to eat sometimes! Plus I have been using them as an excuse not to do as much sport as I could be doing. So were not doing more walking, more swimming and I’ve increased my fresh food intake! Hurray. When talking to other mums and clients they started recalling similar stories, so this short post is TO REMIND YOU TO ENSURE YOU ARE LOOKING AFTER YOUR TEMPLE so you can continue to LOVE AND NURTURE those lovely people around you!
Off to finish my Immune Booster juice and tuna sandwich from my favourite healthy hang out before I go and see my family for the movies tonight…Monster University here we come..and no, NO POPCORN for me! Ciao for now.
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