3 Steps to Authentic Success & Global Wellness
I have the privilege of doing a FREE Session for the Health and Global Wellness Day at Bric Spa on June 10th.
It will be an interactive session that will most likely attract like-minded individuals…so come and get a natural high. ; )
Getting to Authentic Success in the Real World
- Ever wondered why some people are more happy and successful than others?
Can you imagine a life with less stress, fulfilled and enjoying feeling truly successful?
Join us for this 90 minute interactive fun session where you will leave feeling uplifted, motivated and inspired. Now it’s YOUR TIME, take your first steps now to the Destiny you Deserve with Amanda Steadman, No1 Amazon Best Seller of ‘Connect to Authentic Success. 7 Steps to the Destiny You Deserve’. This is a FREE EVENT for Playa del Carmen Global Health and Wellness Day. Please reserve your places as spaces are limited at amanda@amandasteadman.com
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